If you’ve ever witnessed a seal or dolphin on the beach in distress, then you know the importance of Channel Islands Marine & Wildlife Institute (CIMWI). The charity organization is dedicated to positively impacting conservation through marine mammal rescue, rehabilitation, research, and education. Toward this goal, they work diligently to promote ocean and human health in Ventura and Santa Barbara counties.
As the only organization authorized by NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service, CIMWI was created to help rescue, rehabilitate and triage marine mammals including pinnipeds (seals and sea lions), sea turtles, and cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises).
Encompassing 155 miles of coastline from the Ventura/Los Angeles County line to the San Luis Obispo/Santa Barbara County line, CIMWI’s success depends on community involvement. In order to respond to marine mammals in distress, the non-profit counts on the public to report distressed animals to the CIMWI Rescue Hotline, (805) 567-1505.
Making the call is only the beginning. As soon as CIMWI is alerted, trained and experienced volunteers will respond. Volunteers evaluate the animals and communicate with CIMWI’s Chief Veterinarian to determine the best course of action for each situation.
Often times, the animal is just resting onshore and does not require human intervention. In these cases, interfering with mother nature could make the situation worse for the animal involved. CIMWI may decide the best course of action is to put that animal under observation. In these cases, CIMWI volunteers create a safety perimeter around the animal with wooden stakes, flagging tape, and educational signs. If you ever see this, stay clear. Volunteers educate beachgoers in the area and periodically check on the animal. Sometimes, an animal may remain under observation for multiple days.
But other times, human intervention can be a matter of life and death. Many things can cause a marine mammal to strand themselves and need immediate assistance like malnourishment, illness, disease, injury, separation, entanglement and human interaction (i.e. boat strikes, fishing net/line entanglement, illegal pick-ups/rescues and gunshots). Once CIMWI has decided it’s in the best interest to rescue the animal, CIMWI’s goal is to do it safely and as quickly as possible. Animals that are rescued are then transported to CIMWI’s rehabilitation facility.